25 January 2008

Are you Serious?


I am usually a fairly easy going and understanding person. Sometimes I just find myself flabbergasted by the things some people can spew forth.

In my Job I deal with a Support person for an Enterprise CRM Software Company. I am trying to set up a Web Conference with Person A, the Support person, and Person B, one of my colleagues. Person A happens to be in India, Person B is in Australia. As you can imagine some people may be confused with time zones.

To make this nice and simple, I let Person A know that Person B will be available at 6:15 PM (+10 GMT). I have supplied the time and the time zone. What could go wrong?

Person A then sends an email to Person B as follows:

Hi Person B,

I will be available for the conference at +10 GMT.

Person A

I know it’s a small thing to miss something out of an email but seriously, these people are representing a large enterprise level company.

It's not even an isolated incident. Let’s say a customer has some problem. He has tried A, B and C to resolve the issue and it didn’t work. I will contact Support.

Customer has X Issue. We have tried A, B and C in order to resolve the issue without success.

What Reply do you think I get?

Please Try C, B and A to resolve this issue.

Another example. I will tell support that customer is using version X.XX if the software. Two days will pass and finally a reply comes in. What version of the Software is the Customer Using?

/End Rant

Feel free to share your experiences;)



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