There are many rules that govern us and that we abide by for our betterment either as individuals or as a community. Some we set for ourselves and others are set by our peers. There is how ever one rule that we should all take notice of.
Don't Upgrade Hardware before a Raid.
Yesterday I purchased a pair of Gigabyte 8600 GT Cards and a new USB headset. Now I have been dissecting PC's for years so you would think installing a pair of graphics cards would not be very difficult. To make it that much easier, I was upgrading from 7600 GT's so I didn't even need to load new drivers.
The Install.
Quick and easy operation. The new cards are fanless and the large heatsink was very close to my DTV Card, so I removed it. Also plugged in and installed my new headset. All looked good. Load wow and start playing.
5 Minutes Later....
BSOD, Yep, good old Blue Screen of Death. To cut a long story short, I swaped lots of things around and put my self in working order for the start of the Kara run, though unfortunatly I crashed just before Curator. I messaged the Raid Leader apoligising and asking him to replace me. Then I returned my PC to how it was. I will not Shelf it until the weekend.
Guild Drama.
Its that time again. I have not really discussed our occational drama's in the past. The issue in my eyes is an uncertain guild goal. We have always called ourselves a Family Guild that Raids. The issue is we have people that want to raid more and be more serious and we have people that want to have the fun/family aspect. I am not to worried. As a guild we have been around since Release.
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