I have recently added both Digg and Buffd into my Blogger Template. It took a bit of playing around but I finally got it to appear how I wanted it to. The main issue I had was I wanted to show the Digg and Buffd counts on both my main page, which contains the summary posts, and also on the individual post pages. This is what I ended up with.
The Code.
Firstly, I apologise for not entering the Text of this code, I could not for the life of me work out how to convert it to HTML without blogger killing it. Anyway, let’s go through the segments of the code. The Blue part is for framing it where I want it. The Red part is for Digg. The Green part is for Buffd.1.0 This places the icons on the right side of the page.
2.0 This is the variables for the Digg java script.
2.1 The URL that will be used. Using data:post.url ensures you are using the URL of the specific posts.
2.2 This is for the compact view. Delete it if you want the Bigger Icon.
3.0 Here is the Script for Buffd.
3.1 Here is the URL that will work with Buffd.
There we have it.
I chose to place it before the line that said the following.
div class='post-footer'As long as you back up your original template first, it’s easy enough to play around with the formatting.
Which .php did you put the code into?
Sorry Jacemora, its for Blogger, not word press. I am not sure where to put it, in that case. More Info at http://buffd.net/tools.php
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