12 April 2010

The Cost of Customer Service

As you know, my Warcraft Battle.net account was hacked a month or so ago. Since then Blizzard has wasted a bit of money with me. Why wasted you ask? Lets see.....

First Contact
I described my problem as follows.
My account was hacked.
Account 1 - 2 Toons - CC details from Hacker.
Account 2 - 1 Toon
Account 3 - 1 Toon - Banned,

First Result.
All four toons from the accounts have had their items restored.
Account 3 still banned.

Well I didn't bother to follow up after that, since I am not playing for now, and it was an account with a lvl 65 pally on it, I was not too bothered.

Email from Blizzard
I receive an Email from Blizzard telling me that the Credit Card Payment had been disputed, as suck my Account 1 would be locked with a Negative Balance. I cannot use that account until "... be repaid via a United States money order for the full and EXACT amount of the disputed funds: 14.99"

Second Contact.
I now describe my problem as follows.
1. Please reverse this decision since it was a hacker and not me. (Account 1)
2. Please Unlock Account 3.

Second Result.
1. Not our department. Email Billing.
2. (nothing)

Yep, they ignored my second request.

Third Contact Part 1.
I emailed Billing letting them know what the problem was. Also pointing out the difficulty in paining with a US money Order from Australia.

Third Contact Part 2.
I replied to WowGM to say you ignored the second part of my email, can you please unlock account 3.

Third Result Part 1.
"Sorry, since you played the account you are stuck with the charge". When I reply with the US money order difficulty, he Closes the Case.

Third Result Part 2.
"We are unable to Verify the reported loss of assets but we have restored 195 Gold to the character on Account 3.". I am not sure who reported this loss but it has nothing to do with my Locked Account.

Fourth Contact......
Yep, I responded "Thanks for the prompt response but the account is still locked...."

Fourth Result?
"Please Contact Account Administration". Following this response I received 3 Satisfaction Surveys..... THREE... Three people still can not get it right.

So where are we at now?
Since I put in my original Request to Unlock Account 3, I find myself with Account 3 remaining locked. I have received 25+ emails, including a lot of customer satisfaction surveys, and Blizzard still has not even rectified this simple problem.

Sure, Blizzard has not wasted that much time with me, but if you think about it in terms of the millions of users, Blizzard are just throwing money away. Given that it is well known that customer make more money from return customers, things do not bode well for Wow.



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